Open Session

21 March 2021 | 15:30 - 18:30 (GMT)

RATIC meets T-MOSAiC: Sharing Best Practices in Research on Infrastructures in the Arctic

Contact: Jana Peirce (

The Rapid Arctic Transitions due to Infrastructure and Climate (RATIC) initiative has been providing a forum for scientists to share knowledge across disciplines since 2014 on topics related to Arctic infrastructure and climate change. In 2019, the RATIC initiative became the T-MOSAiC Arctic Infrastructure Action Group. The RATIC/T-MOSAiC workshop at ASSW 2021 will be a 3-hour online meeting for participants to share progress and insights on RATIC-related research from around the Arctic. The meeting is open to all and we encourage attendance by physical and social science researchers, including APECS members, Indigenous scholars, and representatives of Arctic communities and industry involved in research and adaptation projects. This will be followed by an in-person workshop in Tromsų at ASSW 2022 where we will continue to collaborate on activities prioritized at past RATIC workshops including:

  • 1. a framework for Arctic infrastructure mapping and monitoring,

  • 2. strategies and best practices for codesign and codevelopment of research with industry and Arctic communities, and

  • 3. observations from the recent MOSAIC Expedition that may improve our understanding of how polar sea ice, ocean and atmospheric changes are impacting Arctic coastal and near-coastal communities and infrastructure.

Please join us.